Combustible Gas Detector, Controller and Transducer
User Instructions
IMporTanT: Keep these User Instructions for reference.
GEnEraL SaFETY InForMaTIon................................................................................................................2
Intended Use..........................................................................................................................................2
List of Warnings and Cautions ................................................................................................................2
USE InSTrUCTIonS anD LIMITaTIonS.......................................................................................................3
Use For...................................................................................................................................................3
Do Not Use For .......................................................................................................................................3
General Description................................................................................................................................3
InSTaLLaTIon anD opEraTInG InSTrUCTIonS........................................................................................5
General Information................................................................................................................................5
Installation .............................................................................................................................................6
Garage diagram................................................................................................................................6
4-20mA Output diagram...................................................................................................................7
Multiple Device diagram...................................................................................................................8
Alarm Control Panel diagram ............................................................................................................9
DVP-120 Control Panel diagram......................................................................................................10
Power Up .............................................................................................................................................11
Operation .............................................................................................................................................11
Default – Factory Settings ....................................................................................................................11
Gas Selection .................................................................................................................................12
Display setting................................................................................................................................13
Buzzer setting.................................................................................................................................13
Alarm Relay setting.........................................................................................................................13
Alarm Relay Configuration ..............................................................................................................13
Fan Relay setting............................................................................................................................13
Fan Relay Delay setting ..................................................................................................................13
Fan Minimum Runtime setting........................................................................................................14
4-20mA Output setting...................................................................................................................14
On Board Diagnostics...........................................................................................................................14
Sensor Poisons.....................................................................................................................................14
MaInTEnanCE ..........................................................................................................................................15
Testing .................................................................................................................................................15
Operation Test ................................................................................................................................16
Manual Operation Test....................................................................................................................16
Combustible Gas Test .....................................................................................................................17
Quick Gas Test................................................................................................................................20
Field Calibration Procedure...................................................................................................................21
Zero the Sensor..............................................................................................................................21
3M GaS DETECTIon proDUCTS WarranTY............................................................................................22
For MorE InForMaTIon .........................................................................................................................22
Intended Use
W WarnInG
The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector, Controller and Transducer is a low voltage device with selectable 4-20mA
output, buzzer and digital display options. It is an electronic detection system used to measure the concentration of combustible
gas and provide feedback and automatic exhaust fan control to help reduce combustible gas concentrations in parking garages,
maintenance facilities or other light commercial applications. The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector is a low level
meter capable of displaying from 0-50% LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) of combustible gas. The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible
Gas Detector is factory calibrated and tested for proper operation, but can also be calibrated in the field.
Each person using this equipment must read and understand the information in these User Instructions before use. Use
of this equipment by untrained or unqualified persons, or use that is not in accordance with these User Instructions, may
adversely affect product performance and result in sickness or death.
Use For
The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector helps combustible gas detection and automatic exhaust fan control
for automotive maintenance facilities, enclosed parking garages, warehouses with forklifts, etc. The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6
Combustible Gas Detector can be used with 12VDC or 24VDC N.O. (fire/security) panels.
List of Warnings and Cautions within these User Instructions
W WarnInG
W WarnInG
• Each person using this equipment must read and understand the information in these User Instructions before use. Use
of this equipment by untrained or unqualified persons, or use that is not in accordance with these User Instructions, may
adversely affect product performance and result in sickness or death.
• Use only for monitoring the gas which the sensor and instrument are designed to monitor. Failure to do so may result in
exposures to gases not detectable and cause sickness or death. For proper use, see supervisor or User Instructions, or
call 3M in U.S.A., 1-800-243-4630. In Canada, call Technical Service at 1-800-267-4414.
Use only for monitoring the gas which the sensor and instrument are designed to monitor. Failure to do so may result in
exposures to gases not detectable and cause sickness or death. For proper use, see supervisor or User Instructions, or
call 3M in U.S.A., 1-800-243-4630. In Canada, call Technical Service at 1-800-267-4414.
Do not Use For
The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector is noT intended for use in hazardous locations or industrial applications
such as refineries, chemical plants, etc.
Do noT mount the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector where the normal ambient temperature is below 0°F or
exceeds 125°F (-18°C or above 52°C). The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector mounts on a type 4S electrical
box supplied by the contractor.
• GD-6 may not function effectively below 0°F or above 125°F (-18°C or above 52°C). Using the detector outside of this
temperature range may adversely affect product performance and result in sickness or death.
• This detector helps monitor for the presence and concentration level of certain specified airborne gases. Misuse may
produce an inaccurate reading, which means that higher levels of the gas being monitored may be present and could
result in overexposure and cause sickness or death. For proper use, see supervisor or User Instructions, or call 3M in
U.S.A., 1-800-243-4630. In Canada, call Technical Service at 1-800-267-4414.
• Each time the unit is turned on it performs a self-test, which activates visual alarms. If the self-test fails, or if all the alarms do
not activate, do not use. Failure to do so may adversely affect product performance and result in sickness or death.
• Do not cover or obstruct visual alarm. Doing so may adversely affect product performance and result in sickness or death.
• Do not disassemble unit or attempt to repair or modify any component of this instrument. This instrument contains no user
serviceable parts, and substitution of components may impair product performance and result in sickness or death.
W WarnInG
The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector may not function effectively below 0°F or above 125°F (-18°C or
above 52°C). Using the detector outside of this temperature range may adversely affect product performance and result in
sickness or death.
General Description
• Using a certified gas with a concentration other than the one listed for this instrument and sensor when conducting a
calibration or calibration verification test (bump test) will produce inaccurate readings. This means that higher levels of the
gas being monitored may be present and could result in overexposure and cause sickness or death. For proper use, see
supervisor, User Instructions or call 3M in U.S.A., 1-800-243-4630. In Canada, call Technical Service at 1-800-267-4414.
• The following steps must be performed when conducting a calibration or calibration verification test (bump test) to ensure proper
performance of the monitor. Failure to do so may adversely affect product performance and result in sickness or death.
The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector is a low voltage, dual relay combustible gas (EX) detector and automatic
ventilation controller. The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector uses a microcomputer controlled, electronic
system to measure the concentration of combustible gas, actuate relays and provide a 4-20mA (0-50% LEL) output. The
3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector is low maintenance with a long life (5+ years) pellistor sensor and optional
gas test and calibration kits. The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector is a low level meter capable of displaying
from 0-50% LEL of combustible gas.
When performing a calibration or calibration verification test (bump test) only use certified calibration gas at the
required concentration level. Do not calibrate with expired calibration gas.
If the instrument cannot be calibrated, do not use until the reason can be determined and corrected.
Do not cover or obstruct display or visual alarm cover.
Ensure sensor inlet is unobstructed and is free of debris.
The following instructions are intended to serve as a guideline for the use of the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible
Gas Detector, Controller and Transducer. It is not to be considered all-inclusive, nor is it intended to replace the policy and
procedures for each facility.
ETL Listed to UL 61010-1
The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector can be bump-tested with the FTK with 10% LEL Methane,
10% LEL Propane or 10% LEL Hydrogen gas, regulator and calibration hood.
W WarnInG
The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector can be field calibrated using 10% LEL Methane, 10% LEL
Propane or 10% LEL Hydrogen gas, regulator and calibration hood.
This detector monitors for the presence and concentration level of certain specified airborne gases. Misuse may produce
an inaccurate reading, which means that higher levels of the gas being monitored may be present and could result in
overexposure and cause sickness or death. For proper use, see supervisor, User Instructions or call 3M in U.S.A.,
1-800-243-4630. In Canada, call Technical Service at 1-800-267-4414.
The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector is a low level meter capable of displaying from 0-50% LEL EX
Selectable fan and alarm relay activation
5A SPDT fan relay controls starters of exhaust fans
0.5A N.O. or N.C. alarm relay connects to warning devices or control panels
4-20mA current loop
If you have any doubts about the applicability of the equipment to your job situation, consult an Industrial Hygienist or call 3M
Macurco Technical Service at 1-800-243-4630. In Canada, call 1-800-267-4414.
General Information
The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector mounts on a standard 4x4 electrical box and becomes cover
for the box
The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector helps combustible gas detection and automatic exhaust fan control for
automotive maintenance facilities, enclosed parking garages, warehouses with forklifts, etc. The GD-6 can be used with 12VDC
or 24VDC N.O. (fire/security) panels.
Supervised system: any internal detector problem will cause the fan & alarm relay to activate
Optional calibration kit is available. One screw allows access for calibration
A 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector is usually located in areas where there is potential for gas leaks; where
there are gas appliances, areas through which gas pipes pass, where batteries are being stored or charged, etc. Do noT mount
the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector in a corner. Do noT mount the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas
Detector where the normal ambient temperature is below below 0°F or exceeds 125°F (-18°C or above 52°C). If the target gas
is lighter than air; natural gas (Methane) or Hydrogen (H2), mount the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector high
on a wall about one foot down from the ceiling. If the target gas is heavier than air; propane (LP), mount the 3M™ Macurco™
GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector on a wall or column one foot above the floor. Use the same spacing as for smoke detectors-30
foot centers, 900 square feet per detector.
Power: 3W (max) from 12 to 24VAC (Volts Alternating Current) or 12 to 48VDC (Volts Direct Current)
Current @ 24VDC: 75mA in alarm (two relays), 50mA (fan relay only) and 23mA stand by
Shipping Weight: 1 pound (0.45 kg)
Size: 4 1/2 x 4 x 2 1/8 in. (11.4 x 10.2 x 5.4 cm)
Color: dark gray
Connections: plugs/terminals
note: alcohols, ammonia, cleaning solvents, paint thinner; gasoline vapors and aerosol propellants (aerosol cans such as hair
spray usually contain a combustible gas) may cause alarms.
Mounting box: (not included) 4x4 electric
Fan relay: 5A, 240VAC, pilot duty, SPDT
Fan relay actuation: selectable at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (default), 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20% LEL
Fan Delay Settings of 0, 1, 3 (default), 5 and 10 minutes
Fan Minimum Run Time settings are OFF (default), 3, 5, 10 or 15 minutes
Alarm relay: 0.5A 200V, 10VA
Alarm relay actuation: selectable N.O. default or N.C.
Alarm relay settings: OFF, 5, 10, 15, 20 (default), 25% LEL
Current loop, 4-20mA for 0-50% LEL
Operating environ: 0°F to 125°F (-18°C to 52°C). 10 to 90% RH
1. The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector mounts on a type 4S electrical box supplied by the contractor.
2. Connect the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector to Class 2 power supply only. It is suggested to use a
separate transformer for powering the unit or units because of possible interference’s from other devices on the same
power supply.
3. Connect the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector to the control cables with terminal plugs. When making
connections, make sure the power is off.
GD-6 rear view with
Modular Connectors
4. There are two terminals for Power: 12 to 24VAC or 12 to 48VDC, with no polarity preference.
Output in mA: GD-6
5. There are two terminals for the dry alarm relay contacts, again with no polarity preference. The alarm relay can switch up
to 0.5A, 200V, or 10VA. The alarm relay is activated if gas reaches or exceeds the alarm settings.
6. The alarm relay can be configured to normally open (default) (N.O.) or normally closed (N.C.) and will activate if the gas
concentration exceeds alarm set point (5, 10, 15, 20 (default), 25% LEL). It will deactivate once the gas concentration drops
below the alarm set point. Note that the “disable” setting will cause the alarm relay not to engage at all.
7. The dry contact, SPDT fan relay has three terminals. The common (COM.), normally open (N.O.) and the normally closed
(N.C.) contact. The fan relay can switch up to 5.0A up to 240VAC. (see OPERATION section of these User Instructions for
details on relay settings).
8. The fan relay can be wired to normally open (N.O.) or normally closed (N.C.) and will engage if the fan setting (1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (default), 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20% LEL) is exceeded for the fan relay delay time (0, 1,
3 (default), 5, 10 minutes). The fan relay will disengage once both of these conditions have been met: 1. Combustible
gas concentration has dropped below fan setting and 2. Fan relay run time (0 (default), 3, 5, 10, 15 minutes) has been
exceeded. Note that the “disable” fan setting will cause the fan relay to not engage. The fan relay will engage in trouble
fault condition and will disengage once trouble fault condition is cleared.
9. The Current Loop is 4mA in clean air and 4-20mA for 0-50% LEL.
Typical Multiple 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6
Typical Connection to Alarm Control Panel
Combustible Gas Detector Installation
1. One sensor per 900 square feet (approximately).
1. 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector can be used with 12VDC or 24VDC N.O.
(fire) panels.
2. Alarm panel provides battery backed up power to 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas
3. 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector dry contact fan relay can use panel power
or fan power. Check ratings on panel & fan.
2. If the gas used is natural gas (methane) or Hydrogen (H2) mount the 3M™
Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector high on a wall about one foot down
from the ceiling. If the gas used is propane (LP), mount the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6
Combustible Gas Detector on a wall or column one foot above the floor.
3. See applicable building code for fan size vs air changes per periods of time.
4. Make sure there are air inlets to provide adequate air flow throughout the building.
5. 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector fan relays are dry contact & can
switch up to 240V.
6. Several fan relays (starters) may be used. Match the relays to the fan size.
4. Match fan relay contacts to fan size, and coil voltage to power source.
5. Alarm Control Panels are available with many features & can control other devices such as
smoke detectors, fire detectors & burglar alarms.
Typical Connection to the 3M™ Macurco™ Detection and Ventilation
Control Panel DVP-120
Gas detection and exhaust fan control is provided by a 3M™ Macurco™ DVP-120 system. This System
will use the GD-6 Combustible Gas to current transducer, Nitrogen Dioxide to current transducers or
Carbon Monoxide to current transducers. Each transducer will measure the level of the target gas and
provide this information to the DVP-120 over a 4-to-20mA current loop.
All power and signal connections for the transducers are provided from the DVP-120 control panel, via
unshielded four conductor cable. The DVP-120 control panel provides three relays which can be used for
ventilation fan control or alarm signaling. These relays (SPDT-Form C) are for pilot duty only, capable of
switching 10 amps loads up to 240VAC.
power Up
W WarnInG
Each time the unit is turned on it performs a self-test, which activates visual alarms. If the self-test fails, or if all the alarms
do not activate, do not use. Failure to do so may adversely affect product performance and result in sickness or death.
The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector cycles through an internal self-test cycle for the first minute that it is
powered. The unit will execute the test cycle any time power is dropped and reapplied (i.e. power failure). During the self-test
cycle the unit will display the firmware version number, then count down from 60 to 0 and finally go into normal operation. The
fan and alarm relay will be activated for the power-up cycle unless the “Power Up Test” (PUt) option is OFF. The indicator light
(LED) will flash green during the self-test cycle. At the end of the 1 minute cycle, the unit will take its first sample of the air and
the light will turn solid green.
1. Power connections at the sensor are non-polarized.
Main Fan Power
W WarnInG
- Strobe
+ Strobe
- Horn
Do not cover or obstruct visual alarm LED. Doing so may adversely affect product performance and result in sickness
Exhaust Fans
or death.
+ Horn
1. With the display function turned “On”, the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector will show the current
concentration of gas % LEL or “0” (zero) in clean air. When the gas concentration reaches the Fan Relay setting (10% LEL,
for example) the display will flash back and forth between “FAn” and “10”. With the display function turned ”Off”, the
display does not show the gas concentration, but will show “FAn” as long as the fan relay is activated.
Relay 1
Relay 2
Relay 3
Panel Power
2. With the display function turned “On” and the gas concentration reaching the alarm relay setting, (20% LEL, for example)
the display will flash back and forth between “ALr” and “20”. The buzzer will sound indicating “Alarm” if the buzzer is
turned “On”. With the display function turned off the display does not show the gas concentration, but will show “ALr”
when the Alarm relay is activated.
3. With the 4-20mA function turned “On”, the 4-20mA output will correspond to the concentration (0-50% LEL). The display
will show “FAn” and “ALr” and sound as outlined above.
Default Configuration – Factory Settings
The default Display setting is off
The default power Up Test setting is on
The default Buzzer setting is off
The default alarm relay setting is activation at 20% LEL
The default Fan relay Delay setting is 3 minutes
The default Fan Minimum runtime setting is oFF
The default Fan relay setting is activation at 10% LEL
The default alarm relay Configuration is normally open
The default 4-20ma output setting is oFF
To change settings, remove the Philips screw on the front of the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector. Pull off the
front cover of the unit.
Selecting Display option – “dSp”
To select the Display Configuration, in normal mode, press the Next button twice to get to “Con” or the Configuration menu.
Then press the Enter button to enter the Con menu. Then press the Next button twice to get to the third selection “dSP” or
Display setting. Press Enter. If the display is “On” press Next to turn it “OFF” (flashing) then press Enter to confirm the change
(solid) and press Enter again to return to “dSP” in the Con menu. Press Next until “End” is displayed then press Enter to return
to normal operation.
Selecting Buzzer option – “bUZ”
To select the Buzzer Configuration, in normal mode, press the Next button twice to get to “Con” or the Configuration menu.
Then press the Enter button to enter the Con menu. The fourth selection is the “bUZ” or Buzzer setting. Press Next three
times to get to “bUZ” then press Enter. If the display is “On” press Next to turn it “OFF” (flashing) then press Enter to confirm
the change (solid) and press Enter again to return to “bUZ” in the Con menu. Press Next until “End” is displayed then press
Enter to return to normal operation.
Selecting alarm relay Setting – “arS”
To select the Alarm Relay Setting, in normal mode, press the Next button twice to get to “Con” or the Configuration menu. Then
press the Enter button to enter the Con menu. The fifth selection is the “ArS” or Alarm Relay Setting. Press Next four times to
get to “ArS” then press Enter. If the display is “OFF” (disabled) press Next to change it to 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25% LEL (flashing)
then press Enter to confirm the change (solid) and press Enter again to return to “ArS” in the Con menu. Press Next until “End”
is displayed then press Enter to return to normal operation.
Selecting alarm relay Configuration – “arc”
To select the alarm relay Configuration, in normal mode, press the Next button twice to get to “Con” or the Configuration
menu. Then press the Enter button to enter the Con menu. The sixth selection is the “Arc” or Alarm Relay Configuration. Press
Next five times to get to “Arc” then press Enter. If the relay is “nO” (normally open) press Next to turn it to “nC” (flashing) then
press Enter to confirm the change (solid) and press Enter again to return to “Arc” in the Con menu. Press Next until “End” is
displayed then press Enter to return to normal operation.
Gas Selection
To select the Gas option, in normal mode, press the Next button once to display the current gas selection (mE is Methane,
pro is propane and Hy is Hydrogen). Then press the Enter button twice to enter the selection menu. The currently selected
gas will be shown on the display. Press Next to scroll through the available gases selections. The selected gas will be flashing,
press Enter to select the gas and Enter again to confirm the selection. To return back to normal mode press Next until “End” is
displayed and press Enter.
Selecting Fan relay Settings – “FrS”
To select the Fan Relay setting, in normal mode, press the Next button twice to get to “Con” or the Configuration menu. Then
press the Enter button to enter the Con menu. The seventh selection is the “FrS” or Fan Relay setting. Press Next six times
to get to “FrS” then press Enter. If the fan relay is “OFF” (disabled) press Next to change it to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 or 20% LEL (flashing) then press Enter to confirm the change (solid) and press Enter again to return
to “run” in the Con menu. Press Next until “End” is displayed then press Enter to return to normal operation.
Selecting Default Configuration – “dEF”
To select the Default Configuration, in normal mode, press the Next button twice to get to “Con” or the Configuration menu.
Then press the Enter button to enter the Con menu. The first selection is the “dEF” or Default setting. Press Enter. If it is
already in Default configuration, there will be no action. If it is not already in Default configuration, “nO” will be displayed. Press
Next to change it to “YES” (flashing) then press Enter to confirm the change (solid) and press Enter again to return to “dEF” in
the Con menu. Press Next until “End” is displayed then press Enter to return to normal operation.
Selecting Fan relay Delay – “FrD”
To select the Fan Relay Delay setting, in normal mode, press the Next button twice to get to “Con” or the Configuration
menu. Then press the Enter button to enter the Con menu. The eighth selection is the “FrD” or Fan Relay Delay. Press Next
seven times to get to “FrD” then press Enter. If the delay is “OFF” (disabled) press Next to change it to 1, 3, 5, or 10 minutes
(flashing) then press Enter to confirm the change (solid) and press Enter again to return to “FrD” in the Con menu. Press Next
until “End” is displayed then press Enter to return to normal operation.
Selecting power Up Test option – “pUt”
To select the power Up Test Configuration, in normal mode, press the Next button twice to get to “Con” or the Configuration
menu. Then press the Enter button to enter the Con menu. Then press the Next button to get to the second selection “PUt”
or power Up Test setting. Press Enter. If the test is “On” press Next to turn it “OFF” (flashing) then press Enter to confirm the
change (solid) and press Enter again to return to “PUt” in the Con menu. Press Next until “End” is displayed then press Enter
to return to normal operation.
Selecting Fan Minimum run Time – “Frr”
To select the Fan Minimum Runtime setting, in normal mode, press the Next button twice to get to “Con” or the Configuration
menu. Then press the Enter button to enter the Con menu. The ninth selection is the “Frr” or Fan Minimum Run Time. Press
Next eight times to get to “Frr” then press Enter. If the runtime is “OFF” (disabled) press Next to change it to 3, 5, 10 or 15
minutes (flashing) then press Enter to confirm the change (solid) and press Enter again to return to “run” in the Con menu.
Press Next until “End” is displayed then press Enter to return to normal operation.
The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector does not require regular maintenance other than cleaning. The unit uses
a long life pellistor sensor that has a 5+ year life expectancy. All maintenance and repair of products manufactured by 3M are
to be performed at the appropriate 3M manufacturing facility. 3M does not sanction any third-party repair facilities.
W WarnInG
Do not disassemble unit or attempt to repair or modify any component of this instrument. This instrument contains no
user serviceable parts, and substitution of components may impair intrinsic safety, which may adversely affect product
performance and result in sickness or death.
Selecting 4-20ma output option – “420”
To select the 4-20ma output option, in normal mode, press the Next button twice to get to “Con” or the Configuration menu.
Then press the Enter button to enter the Con menu. The tenth selection is the “420” or 4-20mA Output Option. Press Next
nine times to get to “420” then press Enter. If the 4-20mA is “On” press Next to turn it to “OFF” (flashing) then press Enter to
confirm the change (solid) and press Enter again to return to “420” in the Con menu. Press Next until “End” is displayed then
press Enter to return to normal operation.
Avoid the use of harsh cleaning materials, abrasives and other organic solvents. Such materials may permanently
scratch the surfaces and damage the display window, labels, or instrument housing.
onboard Diagnostics
The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector monitors all critical functions of the unit through software diagnostics
that continuously test and verify unit operations. If a problem is found, the unit will switch to a fail-safe/error mode or trouble
condition. In this error mode, the Fan and Alarm relays will be activated; the 4-20mA current loop will go to 24mA and the LED
light will Flash Green. This is a safety precaution. To clear this mode, simply turn off power to the unit for a few seconds, or
press the TEST switch (inside the unit). This will cause the unit to restart the 1 minute self-test cycle.
Cleaning of the external surfaces is best carried out using a damp cloth with a mild detergent or soap. Vacuum under the cover
with soft brush to remove dust or contamination.
The 4-20mA signal can be used for troubleshooting:
W WarnInG
0mA is most likely a connection problem
4-20mA is normal gas reading range (0-50% LEL)
24mA indicates a Trouble condition
Using a certified gas with a concentration other than the one listed for this instrument and sensor when conducting a
calibration or calibration verification test (bump test) will produce inaccurate readings. This means that higher levels of the
gas being monitored may be present and could result in overexposure and cause sickness or death. For proper use, see
supervisor or User Instructions, or call 3M in U.S.A., 1-800-243-4630. In Canada, call Technical Service at 1-800-267-4414.
Error Codes
t01 Sensor is missing
t02 Temperature compensation failed
t04 Bad EEPROM checksum
t08 Sensor is shorted
There are multiple ways to test the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector after installation: Operation Test,
Manual Operation Test, Combustible Gas Test and Quick Gas Test. The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector
also has the ability to test itself automatically and does so every 2 1/2 minute cycle. If the unit detects an improper voltage or
inoperable component it will default into Error mode. In Error mode, the unit will Flash Green and both the fan & alarm relay
will be actuated. Check that the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector OPERATING LED type light is illuminated,
continuously. If not, do not proceed with the tests. If the unit is in error mode contact your local representative or 3M Macurco
Technical Service representative for information on resolving the problem.
t10 Bad EEPROM
t20 Bad factory calibration
t40 Factory calibration was not done
t80 SDADC reading failed
If the error mode repeats frequently, check for continuous power and proper voltage. If power is not the problem and a unit has
repeating error conditions, it may need to be returned to 3M Macurco for service, as noted in these User Instructions.
Sensor poisons
The gas sensor in the detector is designed with extreme sensitivity to the environment. As a result, the sensing function may be
deteriorated if it is exposed to a direct spray from aerosols such as paints, silicone vapors, etc., or to a high density of corrosive
gases (such as hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide) for an extended period of time.
Combustible Gas Test
operation Test
1. Remove the single screw in the middle of the front cover of the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector.
W WarnInG
2. Remove the front cover.
The following steps must be performed when conducting a calibration or calibration verification test (bump test) to ensure
proper performance of the monitor. Failure to do so may adversely affect product performance and result in sickness or
3. Observe the LED light on the front of the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector.
4. If the light is solid green proceed to step 6.
When performing a calibration or calibration verification test (bump test) only use certified calibration gas at the
required concentration level. Do not calibrate with expired calibration gas.
5. If the light is off or flashing Green, refer to the General section of this User Instruction.
6. Locate the switch labeled ENTER/TEST on the left side of the printed circuit board. Press the Test switch once.
7. The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector will step through a cycle test:
a. The display progresses through the art (alarm relay test), Frt (fan relay test) then 42t (4-20mA output test).
If the instrument cannot be calibrated, do not use until the reason can be determined and corrected.
Do not cover or obstruct display, audible alarm opening or visual alarm cover.
Ensure sensor inlet is unobstructed and is free of debris.
b. During the first 5 seconds of the test cycle, the alarm relay will be closed, so any devices connected to that relay will
be tested.
c. The Fan relay will be activated for the next 1 minute of the test, so if the fan circuits are wired in the normal manner,
the fan should run.
The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector can be bump-tested or calibrated with a Field Calibration Kit (FCK) with
Methane, Propane or Hydrogen gas, regulator and test hood, available through your local representative or from 3M Macurco.
d. The 4-20mA output will then ramp up from 4 to 20mA over the next 130 seconds of the test, so if the circuit is wired
in the normal manner, the control panel or building automation system should respond.
Contents of the FCK
3M™ Macurco™ Methane Gas Field Calibration Kit GDM-FCK, 34L, 10% LEL, 34L, 20% LEL, Carry Case, Regulator,
Tubing, Calibration Hood
e. At the end of the test cycle, the light will turn green and be on steady (Normal Operation), the fan & alarm relay will be
in standby mode and the 4-20mA output will return to 4mA (in clean air).
3M™ Macurco™ Propane Gas Field Calibration Kit GDP-FCK, 34L, 10% LEL, 34L, 20% LEL, Carry Case, Regulator, Tubing,
Calibration Hood
8. When testing is completed reassemble the unit or units.
3M™ Macurco™ Hydrogen Gas Field Calibration Kit GDH-FCK, 34L, 10% LEL, 34L, 20% LEL, Carry Case, Regulator,
Tubing, Calibration Hood
Manual operation Test
This option gives the user the opportunity to manually initiate an individual test for each relay, the analog output and the sensor
response to gas. From normal operation mode press the Next button 3 times to get to the Test Mode (tSt). Press the Enter
button once to get into the Test Menu. Press the Next button to scroll through the four test options and press Enter to initiate
the selected test. Note that if the relay or 4–20mA output has been disabled, the test selection will not be displayed in the test
FCK Information
Several detectors can be calibrated with one FCK. The only limitation is the amount of gas in the cylinder. The 17 liter cylinder
with 0.2 LPM (Liters Per Minute) regulator has approximately 85 minutes of continuous calibration run time. Replacement
cylinders are available. The gas cylinder should be replaced when the pressure gauge on the regulator shows 25psi or less.
Art - Alarm Relay Test, 10 seconds
note: For optimum test results it is suggested that the unit be in clean air (solid green light on) and be in a low
ambient air flow.
Frt - Fan Relay Test, 60 seconds
42t - 420 loop test, 25 seconds
gtS - Gas Test, 3 minutes (no output to the panel during the gas test)
The display will flash during the test or in the case of the gas test the level will alternate with the expected gas (mE, pro or Hy).
Once the test is complete, the display will return to steady display. To exit the test menu, press the Next button until “End” is
displayed then press Enter to return to normal mode.
5. Turn on the regulator to start the gas flow and wait with the gas applied continuously.
Gas Testing
Testing the Fan relay
6. With the display function turned “On”, the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector will show the current
concentration of gas or “0” (zero) in clean air. When the gas concentration reaches the fan relay setting (5% LEL, for
example) the display will flash back and forth between “FAn” and “5”. With the display function turned ”Off”, the display
does not show the gas concentration, but will show “FAn” as long as the fan relay is activated
note: The gas concentration to activate the fan relay depends on the setting.
1. Remove the Philips screw on the front of the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector. Remove the front cover.
2. Connect the 10% LEL cylinder of Combustible Gas to the regulator. Ensure that the gas used for calibration matches the
gas selected in the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector configuration.
note: If the Fan relay does not close within 2 minutes, consider these possibilities:
a. Gas cylinder is empty, check the pressure gauge. Replace the gas cylinder if 25psi or less.
b. Unit needs to be re-calibrated (go through recalibration and re-test).
3. Assemble regulator, hose and test hood and place the test hood over the gas sensor.
4. Check the pressure gauge on the regulator. If you have 25psi or less you will need to replace the gas canister.
note: The time to activate the fan relay depends on the delay setting.
c. Detector is in need of servicing (return unit to factory for servicing).
d. Detector has fan relay set to disable (OFF) or 20% LEL. Set fan relay to 5% LEL and repeat the test.
7. Remove the gas from the sensor. Proceed to test the alarm relay or replace the top cover.
Testing the alarm relay
note: The gas concentration to activate the alarm relay depends on the setting.
Connect the 20% LEL cylinder of Combustible Gas to the regulator. Ensure that the gas used for calibration matches the gas
selected in the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector configuration.
1. Check the pressure gauge. If there is 25psi or less the cylinder should be replaced.
2. Place the test hood over the gas sensor. Turn on the regulator to start the gas flow.
3. The Fan relay should activate according to the settings.
4. With the display function turned “On” and the gas concentration reaching the Alarm Relay setting, (20% LEL, for example)
the display will flash back and forth between “ALr” and “20”. The buzzer will sound indicating “Alarm” if the buzzer is
turned “On”. With the display function turned off the display does not show the gas concentration, but will show “ALr”
when the Alarm relay is activated.
5. note: If the alarm relay fails to operate within 2 minutes, consider these possibilities:
a. Gas cylinder is empty, check the pressure gauge. Replace the gas cylinder if 25psi or less.
b. Unit needs to be re-calibrated (go through recalibration and re-test).
c. Detector is in need of servicing (return unit to factory for servicing).
d. Detector has Alarm relay set to disable (OFF). Set Alarm relay to 20% LEL and repeat the test.
6. Remove the gas from the sensor after test. Proceed to test the 4-20mA output or replace the top cover.
Testing the 4-20ma current loop
Connect the 20% LEL cylinder of Combustible Gas to the regulator. Ensure that the gas used for calibration matches the gas
selected in the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector configuration.
1. Check the pressure gauge. If there is 25psi or less the cylinder should be replaced.
2. Place the test hood from the regulator over the gas sensor. Turn on the regulator to start the gas flow.
3. The fan relay should activate according to the settings.
4. The alarm relay should activate according to the settings.
6. Wait for a few seconds. The digital display should climb indicating the increased gas concentration at the sensor
confirming a pass of the quick test.
5. The 4-20mA output should ramp up from 4mA in clean air to 20mA at 50% LEL. See 4-20mA diagram in these User
note: If the Display does not change within 10 seconds, consider these possibilities:
a. Lighter is empty.
note: If the 4-20ma output does not ramp up within 2 minutes, consider these possibilities:
a. Gas cylinder is empty, check the pressure gauge. Replace the gas cylinder if 25psi or less.
b. Unit needs to be re-calibrated (go through recalibration and re-test).
b. Unit needs to be re-calibrated (go through the Field Calibration Procedure in these User Instructions and re-test).
c. Detector is in need of servicing (return unit to factory for servicing).
7. Wait for the display to return to 0% LEL and configure options to desired settings.
c. Detector is in need of servicing (return unit to factory for servicing).
d. Detector has 4-20mA option set to “OFF”. Set 4-20mA option to “On” and repeat the test.
Field Calibration procedure
note: For optimum calibration results the unit should be in clean air and be in a low ambient air flow.
6. Remove the gas from the sensor. Re-assemble the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector (make sure the LED
is aligned with the hole on the front of the case).
Quick Gas Test
W WarnInG
A cigarette lighter can be used to perform a functionality test of the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector. This
test allows installers to do a quick functionality test of the gas sensor.
Using a certified gas with a concentration other than the one listed for this instrument and sensor when conducting a
calibration or calibration verification test (bump test) will produce inaccurate readings. This means that higher levels of the
gas being monitored may be present and could result in overexposure and cause sickness or death. For proper use, see
supervisor, User Instructions or call 3M in U.S.A., 1-800-243-4630. In Canada, call Technical Service at 1-800-267-4414.
1. Units to be tested must be powered continuously for a minimum of 3 minutes before proceeding.
2. For optimum test results, the unit should be in clean air and be in a low ambient air flow.
3. Check that the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector status indicator light is illuminated green continuously.
If not, do not proceed with tests. See 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector Trouble Indicator section in these
User Instructions.
Zero the Sensor
1. Remove the Philips screw on the front of the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector. Pull the front cover of the
unit off.
4. The display option should be set to “On” and reading 0% LEL in clean air.
2. To select Calibration Zero Mode (000), from normal mode, press the Next button four times to get to CaL or Calibration Mode.
3. Then press the Enter button to get to “000” - Calibration Zero Mode.
4. Press the Enter button and the display will read 0 alternating with 000 (blinking) indicating zero calibration in progress
(max 165 sec).
5. Aim the lighter into the sensor grate area (under “DO NOT PAINT”) on the front cover and release the gas without igniting
the flame for 2 to 3 seconds.
5. If the process is successful, the display will read __0 alternating with paS (blinking) Zero Calibration complete.
6. If the process was not successful the display will read __1 alternating with Fail (blinking) Zero Failed. If this occurs, repeat
steps 2 through 4. If the sensor fails to zero twice contact Technical Assistance: 1-800-237-9049.
7. To return to Normal Mode press Enter and then press Next until “End” is displayed. Press Enter to return to Normal Mode.
1. Remove the Philips screw on the front of the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector. Pull the front cover of the unit off.
2. Assemble the 10% LEL gas cylinder and regulator together. Ensure that the gas used for calibration matches the gas that the
3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector is configured to (mE, Pro or Hy).
3. Check the pressure gauge on the regulator. If you have 25psi or less you will need to replace the gas canister.
4. Place the test Hood from the regulator over the gas sensor.
5. To select Calibration Span Mode (Spn), from normal mode, press the Next button four times to get to CaL or Calibration Mode.
6. Press the Enter button to get to “000” Calibration Zero Mode, then press the Next button to get to “Spn” - Calibration
Span Mode.
7. Press the Enter button and the display will read 10 alternating with the gas, mE, pro or Hy (blinking), indicating the sensor
is looking for gas.
8. Start applying gas to the gas sensor.
note: The sensor will look for the gas for 45 seconds. If no gas is applied or detected in that time, the display will return
to CaL.
9. When the sensor detects the gas, the display will flash back and forth between the gas concentration and Spn and the
calibration will progress. The display will show this for a maximum of 165 seconds.
10. When the calibration is successful, the display will flash back and forth between 10 and paS.
11. Remove the gas. The display will return to “Spn”, then normal mode. The calibration is done.
12. If the calibration fails, the display will flash back and forth between the gas concentration and FaL (fail). If this occurs,
check the pressure gauge on the regulator. If the pressure is less than 25psi the flow of gas may not be adequate to
properly calibrate the unit. If there is proper pressure in the cylinder repeat steps 4 through 11. If the unit fails to calibrate
twice contact 3M Macurco Technical Assistance at 1-800-237-9049.
13. Disassemble the cylinder and regulator.
14. Re-assemble the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector (make sure the LED is aligned with the hole in the
front case).
15. See Calibration Flowchart.
3M warrants the GD-6 gas detector will be free from defective materials and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from
date of manufacture (indicated on the inside cover of the GD-6), provided it is maintained and used in accordance with 3M
instructions and/or recommendations. If any component becomes defective during the warranty period, it will be replaced or
repaired free of charge, if the unit is returned in accordance with the instructions below. This warranty does not apply to units
that have been altered or had repair attempted, or that have been subjected to abuse, accidental or otherwise. The above
warranty is in lieu of all other express warranties, obligations or liabilities. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY
not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages for breach of this or any other warranty, express or implied, arising
out of or related to the use of said gas detector. Manufacturer or its agent’s liability shall be limited to replacement or repair
as set forth above. Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies are return of the goods and repayment of the price, or repair and
replacement of non-conforming goods or parts.
For MorE InForMaTIon
In United States, contact:
Technical Assistance: 1-800-243-4630
For other 3M products:
1-800-3M-HELPS or
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